Contents Acknowledgements & Preface —DR. PAMELA DEMORY, EDITOR OF PRIZED WRITING The Essay Blizzard Poetics: Kenneth Goldsmith’s Textual Wonderland —COLLIN BRENNAN Verse as Monument of Immortality: War, Class, and Prophecy in the Sonnets —JACOB ISRAEL CHILTON* A Healthy Distrust —KELSEY C. CODY “I Did Not Get My Spaghetti-O’s”: Death Row Consumption in the Popular Media —STEVIE JEUNG “I Don’t Want to Be Barbie: I Want to Benchpress Her”: The Lifestyle of a Female Bodybuilder —MICHELLE JONES* The Sword’s the Thing —JAMES KEITH John Singer Sargent’s Tourist Experience in Venice —KRISTEN VERA KOCH* Manga: The Queer or the Patriarchal? —KENNY WEI LUN LIEW Therapists with Hooves: The Miracle of Animal-Assisted Therapy —CHRISTINE PARKER Is This the End? The Doors, Vietnam, and the End of the American Experiment —KEVIN PETERSON The Waste Land: An Animated Journey —JULIA SANDS Depression in College Students —ALISSA STEINER Revolutionary Thought and the Politicization of Vietnam’s Forests —CALVIN VU My Beauty’s More Real Than Yours! Consequences of “Real Women” Discourse —NATALIE YAHR*† Scientific & Technical Writing Use of Torpor in Chiroptera —CAITLIN BARALE Human Papillomavirus Infection in Males: Penile Carcinoma —AURORA CRUZ A Race Against Time: An Overview of Progeria and Its Clinical Symptoms —KYLE DAVIS The Role of MicroRNA in Cancer —DMITRIY KOLESNIKOV Promising Therapies for Choroidal Neovascularization in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Literature Review —MICHELE LOMELINO The Conundrum of Human Gene Patents —JOHN W. SAMPLES Of Superposition and Solipsism: A Survey of Quantum-Mechanical Appproaches in Addressing “The Hard Problem” —DANIEL SWAIN Chew-Toy Color Preference in Kenneled Dogs (Canis Familiarus) —TERRI WONG BPA: Ubiquitous, Controversial, and Scary as Hell —SASCHA ZUBRYD* HONORABLE MENTION †Natalie Yahr was published in the 2006–2007 edition of Prized Writing. *Also awarded an Honorable Mention. |