Slingin' Ink —SAMANTHA BROOKS Your Fifteenth year —JANETTE CEBALLOS BT Corn: A Solution to a Growing Problem —ANOOJ DESAI The Futility of Love —EAVAN HUTH Hsp90 Inhibitors: What's Taking So Long? —CLAIRE JARAMISHIAN Pharaonism: Decolonizing Historical Identity —HARLEY LIETZELMAN Phototoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the starlet anemone Nematostella vectensis —MALINA LOEHER A Nine-Year Progression of Grief —LYNDSEY MARSH My Last Day Alive —SAMANTHA MATTAR Tissue Engineering: A Potential Therapy for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction —REBECCA MILLER Solar Agriculture: A Repeat of History —RAUL MOYA Beyond the Polite Smile —JANICE PANG Asian Temple Artifacts: Foreignization and Domestication —SARAH PARK Subtlety & Subversion: The Role of the Masculine in Taeko Kono's Toddler Hunting & Other Stories —CHRISTIAN PASCUAL Bunker Hill Mining and Metallurgical Superfund —CANDICE PETERS Languages of Resistance in I, Rigoberta Menchú —SARA PHELPS With Love, from Me to (All of) You —SARAH POLLOCK The Silent Sibling: How Current Autism Intervention Neglects Typically-Developing Siblings —JULIA SWEIGERT Familiar Strangers —AUDREY TORREST Reports of Execution: Bolstering and Dismantling Justice —KRISTEN WILLIAMS |